As of April 13 I am starting a record of my life under the lock-down brought about by the outbreak of COVID-19.


You will find it on the Our House tab.


This is the story of Ron and Jane Tacchi who moved to France from England when Ron's job brought him to work in 'La Tour Maine Montparnasse' in Paris for the credit card company MasterCard. Eventually they settled in Vaupillon where they have lived ever since. This website gives some details about Vaupillon, life in France, our house and family and then digresses into Ron's passion for the card game of bridge and how now it is an important part of his life.

Vaupillon is a village of some 472 souls situated in 'Le Perche'.

It is in the canton of La Loupe, the sous-prefecture of Nogent-Le-Rotrou, the prefecture of Chartres and the departement of Eure-et-Loir.


We bought our house in Vaupillon in 1993. Records say the original parts of the house were constructed before 1800. The house is not in the centre of Vaupillon but in a hameau called 'La Floudière', which is about one kilometre West of the village. The name of the house is 'La Tuilée'.

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